From left Jane Davidson, Prof Tom Lang (President), Pam Whittle

Garden Organic welcomes two new Vice Presidents  

Sustainable gardening charity Garden Organic is delighted to welcome two new Vice Presidents to its board; pictured above is Jane Davidson (left) and Pam Whittle CBE (right), together with Prof Tom Lang (President).  Jane Davidson is the Chair of Wales Net Zero 2035 and the author of #futuregen: Lessons from […]

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Harvest onions

It is mid to late summer when onion crops are harvested. It is usually easy to see that the bulbs have reached their full size and often the foliage starts to yellow and bend over. This is the point when the bulbs are unlikely to put on any more growth […]

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A mixture of mung bean, alfalfa and radish

Your indoor salad bar – all year round

There is a simple way to enjoy home-grown salads all year long and that is by growing sprouting seeds. KG editor Steve Ott explains. With all the food shortages in the supermarkets at the moment and, as I write this, snow falling heavily outside making working in the garden impossible, […]

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